The craniosacral system is made up of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. Every cell in our body is connected, working as one intricate system, and our bodies store physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma in each of these cells. Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB), a blend of craniosacral therapy and myofascial unwinding uses gentle touch to help the fascia that connects bone to muscle unwind and relax, decreasing tension and releasing restrictions on different areas of the craniosacral system. Releasing these restrictions allows for down regulation of the autonomic nervous system and has shown improved functioning of many body systems as well as relieving physical symptoms related to somatic conditions.
Common mother-baby dyad symptoms that CST/DBB can help with include:
Common mother-baby dyad symptoms that CST/DBB can help with include:
- Fertility
- Restoring balance during pregnancy for optimal fetal positioning
- Symphysis pubic dysfunction
- Sciatic pain
- Stress/tension
- Migraines
- Chronic neck and back pain
- Temporal-mandibular joint dysfunction
- Breastfeeding/latch issues
- Oral restrictions/tight oral tissue (tongue/lip/buccal "ties")
- Colic
- Reflux
- Torticollis
- Plagiocephaly
- Ear infections
- Illness
- Emotional, physical, and spiritual trauma, etc.